I’ve struggled for years to grow a pepper, mainly because they grow so dang slow and the Nova Scotia growing window is just so tiny. Last year I came pretty close but the frost was simply quicker than my plants.
This year I went in guns hot. I bought the best seeds that were available, the seedlings were started in February in the house and to make sure they got their needed heat (we prefer a crisp 18 degree household) of 26 degreed to germinate I borrowed my mom’s seedling heat pad. (That heat pad will probably be purchased this year, it was incredible.)
Planting notes. Sorry for the half print half cursive. Product of my time.
Less is more. I am awful for this and constantly over seed which causes over crowding and the plants not doing well. I planted 4 seeds and that was it.
I chose to keep them in pots this year as opposed to setting them up in the garden beds which allowed me to be very choosy when they went outside and where. We followed the sun and the 20+ degree days, supplementing with UV plant lamps when the weather wouldn’t co-operate.
Once the flowers started I went generous on the fertilizer to ensure they had all the nutrients they needed.
This years peppers were a complete success. I’ve gotten multiple large and flavorful peppers from these plants and they are not showing signs of slowing down. I am looking forward to trying a few other things for next year as well.