I'm excited to talk about my new summer project that is currently in progress. I’m calling it My Nova Scotia Book tour- my goal is to hit up as many independent book stores as possible this summer (and probably into fall)
There is only one rule: Purchase at least one book at each location.
Stop Five was one I was really looking forward too. When doing my preliminary research, The Odd Books website really showed what they were about. They focus on the old and the rare books, the oldest and rarest being featured on their home page. When I visited the site there was a Bible price out for $16,000!! I knew I was going to be in for a treat.
Photo credit goes to my partner Stephen. This was the first time he came along to a stop so I took advantage of the camera in his hand.
Located in Wolfville NS, the store had 2 levels of floor to ceiling literature featuring tons of local interest books and even more odd and old. Prices were ouchy (the technical term for way out of my budget haha) but my partner was with me and did some research online on the spot and he was able to verify they were priced at the going rate for the books they were. The old and the rare.
There was a book on edible wild flowers of Nova Scotia I would have loved to bring home but sadly due to the $50 price tag I left it there.
Even if you don’t collect old and rare books it was still an incredible experience, the history could be felt in the walls and there places to sit and leaf through those old books you know you shouldn’t buy. Pop it on your Valley trip to do list next time you’re out that way.
The owner was very sweet, I gushed over the collection and told him if the budget allowed I’d be leaving full handed- he very nicely advised that looking was free and I could look for as long as I wanted.
I left with one book (first time I’ve left with the minimum since I started this project) it’s a book on bootlegging alcohol during Prohibition in Atlantic Canada called The Rum Running Years. The stories are as true as they can get with a small disclosure from the author stating the stories were being told by men in their 80’s and 90’s so memories aren’t as sharp and some details may be lost to history.
This shop was truly a step back in time and really gave the feeling of old school business that I didn’t feel at the other stops. Even when this project is over I’ll look forward to walking through these shelves to discover another lost story.