Wedding cakes Halifax

Floral Wedding Cake and Cupcakes

I had the honor of doing my brother’s wedding cake and cupcakes this year. I hate to toot my own horn but it turned out to be some of the best work I think I’ve ever done.

It helped that his fiancée wanted a design I was very skilled at, I have decades of icing work behind me at this point in life (fondant is not my thing) so that certainly helped.

Photos below were taken by Sugar Snap Photography

My sister-in-law had originally sent me some idea of cupcake designs that she liked and her wedding colours and I decided I would do all of them LOL which created this incredibly fun tower garden. I am so pleased with how it turned out and the reviews were great- both beautiful and delicious.

Recap: Weddings in 2020

As I put the finishing touches on my final wedding cake of 2020 I can’t help but think of all the couples that had weddings scheduled for 2020.

Even the weddings that happened this year had to be completely restructured (sometimes multiple times depending on the changes to gathering limits) if they could happen at all. I’m happy I am in a position to be flexible in this ever changing climate.

Each couple had hard decisions to make.. To either reschedule their wedding completely or cut it back to comply with legal gathering limits. There was no right answer, some have chosen to move things ahead a year to ensure all their loved ones could attend, others modified their day to adapt to the current climate so their special day could prevail with those closest to them.

I am honored that I was able to be a part of those special days and look forward to working with the couples that chose to postpone.

We all had tough decisions to make this year at some point or another, but I’m taking this moment to really say kudos to those couples.

Cheers to being a part of a major historical event and a global pandemic… It was exhausting. Cheers to learning, growth and cautious optimism for the future!