lunch — Blog- Creating with Nicole


4 Unique Boxed Lunches

Sometimes you just can't stand the thought of just another ham and cheese sandwich. So here are 5 delicious and different boxed lunch ideas to make you look forward to lunch again!

I come from the generation where parents only seemed to know how to make bland, soggy sandwiches. I still have friends who can't stand the sight of ham and cheese on white bread. So to help the next generation of parents not raise children with a phobia of ham and cheese here are 5 unique (and not difficult) ideas for school lunches or even your work lunch. 

1. Vegetable and Cheese Skewers

Mix it up with some ham or pepperoni as well to make a snack worth waiting for! One of my favorite summer meals is kabobs on the BBQ and honestly I know that a vast majority of that comes from the love of cooking AND eating of things on a stick. 

2. Ham and Cheese Croissants

These are incredible. Hands down delicious and you will be craving them at 9:30 am knowing they're in your lunch waiting for you. Whether you just bought pre-made croissant dough or took the time to make your own, this will become a new favorite.

3. Chicken Wrap

This one comes with a story: these things are so simple to make yet my coworkers and I were purchasing these at $8 a piece down at the cafe in our office building (mind you they were huge), when for half the cost and a couple minutes in the evening we could be making them ourselves for a fraction of the cost. Grab some chicken strips from the grocery store or make your own (Recipe Here) and compliment with with your favorite sauces (mine is sweet and spicy) or aioli to make it your own.

4. Chicken Fajita Bowl

My coworkers often make fun of me when I pack nothing but a salad for lunch "friends don't let friends eat salad" .. Apparently. So I blew them away with my fajita bowl! Equipped with a spicy bed of rice, peppers, onions, cheese and chicken. Topped with homemade salsa (recipe can be found here


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