The Moving List

Every Sunday morning at 8 am I recap the week, share what I learned and showcase some of my work.

I've been spending the past couple of months getting ready for a big move! I moved in with my long term boyfriend in his house and rented out my house. It's been a lot of work, long nights and yelling at inanimate objects. It wasn't easy leaving my comfy home in Halifax where I was the queen (Second to my cat.. I guess) but it was all worth it to live with someone who supports me in all my endeavors and reminds me to sit down and relax every once in awhile.

Here's my list of moving tips to make life a little easier.

The Ultimate moving list

The Ultimate moving list

  • Start early: Guaranteed there’s things in the house you won’t miss for 2-3 months. Don’t be afraid to start packing early, you won’t regret it!
  • Do one room at a time: don’t start hopping from room to room, otherwise you feel like you’re getting nothing done. Start in the rooms you won’t miss and work your way down towards the more used rooms.
  • Allocate the clothing you’ll wear while you’re packing: Have 3-4 weeks worth of clothes left out while you packing. Think work smart and a couple casual outfits for the weekends and pack the rest of it away. Yes sometimes it’s hard repeating your outfits so many times in a month but scratching one more thing off the to do list is worth it.
  • Label: Nothing is worst than not knowing what room to shove boxes in when you get to your new home.
  • Pruge: Had the space for it before so you ignored it? GREAT! Throw it out..  seriously when was the last time you used that foot bath?
  • Meal plans: You don’t want to be transporting a bunch of old food to the house. Take advantage of the new beginning by seeing what lurks in the back of your freezer and either making an amazing creation with it or throwing it out. Seriously those carrots have been in there for 4 years…

My father and his family growing up flipping houses so moving was an exciting family activity! ... I don't get it. I hate moving. My spouse is stuck with me because I'm not moving again! Baha. We've already agreed there will be a moving company for the next move.

Lastly... Alas through the moving nightmare I still got some opportunities to get some jobs done.

Rainbow heart birthday cake

This heart filled rainbow birthday cake will make any celebration special, and it was well received for the 1st birthday party it attended!

Review: August Meowbox

Every Wednesday evening I take some time to review a product, place or experience in hopes I'll inspire someone to try something new!


The August Meowbox.

Aloha! With every meowbox you buy, they give a can of food to a shelter cat!



Price: $29.95 + taxes.

I’ve chosen to receive it every other month to avoid having too many toys in the house!




  • Katmint: Kavai Blend Catnip
  • Tropical flower toys equipped with feathers
  • Pineapple and coconut toys
  • Catnip ice cream cone
  • Kettle Craft: Savory Canadian Turkey 


At times the meowbox can be a dud in my experience, there have been months where Princess is very uninterested in what comes in, but I don’t hold it against them because something that my cat may be uninterested in may be the best thing ever to another cat! So not every delivery will be a 100% winner.


August’s theme was embracing the tropics! And this really stole my girl’s heart before I could even open the box she was trying to get into it. Her faves this month seem to be the ice cream cone catnip toy and the flower feather thingies… which I suspect will be destroyed within a matter of hours…



She wasn’t too much of a fan of the treats sadly but she is a picky eater as it is so I’m not surprised. I’m sure my boyfriend’s cat will enjoy them!


August Meowbox: Aloha!