Ultimate Fall Bucket List

With another autumn underway comes another fun list of ways to really enjoy the cool air.

! Here is my bucket list for Fall.

Fall is my favorite time of year so I always try to get the most out of it! It's such a breath of fresh air after the hustle and bustle of wedding season, and combating humidity.

Fall Bucket list

Many of the items on my list this year create memories along with a few art and baking fun for the days the weather may not cooperate.. 

Fall To Do List:

O Fall manicure!

O Coordinate a fall photo shoot with friends or family (it doesn't need to be a huge event, just a couple of smiling shots with a pumpkin or some leaves will live long in your memory)

O Go visit a local pumpkin patch and buy your favorite pumpkin (road trip plus supporting local farmers? Yes please!)

O Rake a big pile of leaves and jump into them

O Find a fall cross stitch and make it ( Pinterest is a great tool)

O Catch up with an old friend over a pumpkin spice latte

O Bake some pies with some local fruits and squashes!

O Go for a hike in the woods, take photos of the changing leaves

O Go apple picking

O Visit a local corn maze

So many fun ways to create memories this fall! 

Download the Checklist right here to print it out!

How to Make Time for You

Schedule time for you and the things you love.

This past fall I took the big leap and moved in with my other half, leaving my cute little home and my quick commute to the day job. I very quickly realized that my 37 hour work week was turning into a 50 hour work week with the added commute and traffic woes. It could take up to an hour to get home sometimes which just killed me. I would come home completely frusterated which is not the best way to start this new step in our lives!

Always remember to make time for yourself

After several breakdowns I took the time to sit down and change things. I tweaked my schedule to allow some ease in the traffic and I made a point to remind myself to Take Time for Me... And the things that make me happy.

Even just an hour to cross stitch or paint something would make things seem a little more tolerable. It still wasn't easy juggling my work life, romantic life and cake life and still finding time for crafts or heaven forbid I get an opportunity to read a book or get a decent amount of exercise in a week.

Valentines day themed cross stitch! Finished it around April.

Valentines day themed cross stitch! Finished it around April.

The planner helps (thanks Bando, this thing was worth every penny) and reminding myself that I deserve this time... and that the dishes can wait until tomorrow sometimes.

I swear there's a method to my madness!

I swear there's a method to my madness!


- Make the plan: Tuesday at 7PM focus on crafts. I'd think about the thing I wanted to do during the day so there's minimal time wasted trying to decide what to do.

- Do the plan: this time is for you. Make sure you take it!

- Plan the next time so you can look forward to it.

- Don't overdue it- remember to relax.

The worst part of never having time to do anything is the guilt I feel when I relax. Reminding myself it's ok to hang out with my rabbits at 9PM while I get sleepy has been very helpful. Sometimes even leaving myself a little sticky note saying "you deserve this" makes all the difference in the world.

This method doesn't work for everyone, mainly because to need to "schedule" your leisure time can sometimes add to the problem but I can't tell you how many times I've had some free time- gotten to the craft room and drew a blank at what I'd like to. I am happy I don't catch myself as often now that I'm more aware of my time. :)