10 Ways to Celebrate Valentines Day Single
As odd as this is to say… I can’t remember the last Valentines Day where I spent it alone. I’ve always been a “serial relationship” kind of person and even though I’m not that big into Valentines Day, in recent memory I’ve always had someone to share the day with.
Valentines Day is disgustingly materialistic, my ideal way to spend the evening is by staying home- avoiding any and all restaurants, getting a bottle of wine and making my favorite dinner. I’ve never met a man who has argued with me with this plan. In fact they are normally thrilled to partake in this sort of activity as opposed to dressing up, waiting in line (most likely in the cold) at an overcrowded restaurant.
This year is the first time in years that I will be celebrating solo! I wanted to make sure I enjoyed it and didn’t dwell on being “alone” (being on my own has been great but I like making fun plans)
Here are 10 great ways to enjoy Valentines Day single. Most cost little to nothing to do!
Treat yourself to your favorite dinner:
Create your favorite meal at home!
My traditional Valentines Day activity can be done solo or with a partner, nothing quite like treating yourself to your favorite foods. No guilt allowed on Valentines Day, make that super cheesy mac and cheese, eat it all.
2. Treat yourself to a new book! Then give yourself a little time to read it and get into it:
Curl up with a favorite book or treat yourself to a new story.
Love the smell of a fresh new book, it never gets old. I am terrible for buying a good stack of reading materials and taking far to long to get through it all. So #2 is not only treat yourself to a good book but also treat yourself to some time to start it. Get engulfed into the story- whatever it may be.
3. Go for a hike:
This one will depend on your weather in February.. In Nova Scotia it certainly has a habit of being frigid this time of year, but if you’re prepared, bundle up and the sun is shining, a hike on a cool day can be great for the soul. Some parks and trails may even have maintenance in the winter so you don’t have to worry about the snow getting in your way of taking some time for you.
4. Spa Day!
Take a little splurge and pamper yourself at a spa for the day. Grab a few friends or your favorite family members if the mood should strike and spend an entire day in luxury dedicated to you! Check out Groupon like sites for local deals- it may help a bit with the cost.
5. Volunteer:
Volunteer to take a dog for a walk at a local shelter
Volunteering is a great way to feel good, do good and not spend any money. Local animal shelters are always looking for help with things like walking dogs or helping socialize kittens. You can always spend some time volunteering at a food bank or other community program. You will feel amazing knowing your making a difference in your area.
6. Have your other single friends over for a game night:
Testing the strengths of your friendships with a game of monopoly is always a little risky but can be fun.
Arrange a card game, group video game or board game night with a few single friends. It’s great to surround yourself with people who love you on Valentines day- even if it’s not romantic. Have a couple of drinks, laugh and enjoy the humans around you.
7. Learn Something New:
Take a little time to learn something new. It could be anything from a new language, a craft project, dance move or trying out a new recipe. The world is yours to conquer at this moment in time! We are lucky with technology, learning a new skill can come as easy as downloading an app. You don’t need to master anything tonight but challenging yourself to do something new does great things for your mood.
8. Disconnect for the Night:
Turn off the phone or silence it. Hide it and enjoy the world in front of you.
This one is good in practice on a regular basis anyways. However can be even more important on days where social media is crawling with lovey dovey photos of date nights, flowers and selfies. Don’t get me wrong, we’re happy for these friends who have found wonderful mates. But tonight is about you. You can send off some likes to them the next morning. Turn off the phone, grab that new book or whatever the mood craves and enjoy the fact that no one has any idea what you are doing.
9. Jam out to your favorite music:
It’s all about you tonight. Put those favorite songs on repeat and sip a glass of wine. There’s no one else around to tell you to change the song or turn down the volume.
I am a big lover of pop and show tunes which I know is not always mainstream. These little moments are a great way to let myself listen to whatever I want.
10. Pull out your favorite movie:
Whether its a Disney classic, rom com, or drama. Grab it and enjoy your favorite snacks and movie guilt free. Cry all you want, there’s no one here to judge. That scene in The Notebook still gets me to this day.
And since we’re treating ourselves… Make that popcorn exactly how you want it. Smother it in butter- no guilt today.
After solidifying a list of activities I was proud of, I discovered I’d be travelling that weekend so probably won’t be able to do any of them this year! lol… But I still saw value in sharing the list because it’s a great way to remind yourself that you need to put yourself first sometimes- and not just on Valentines Day. Most of these activities listed (if not all of them) can be enjoyed by anyone whether male or female.
Happy Valentines Day to all the other hopeless romantics out there!