Once again tomato season is upon us and I am experimenting with 2 of my favorite recipes to (hopefully) make something delicious.
Combining my regular pasta sauce and tomato soup recipe to hopefully make a delicious roasty and garlicy sauce.
Roasted Garlic and Tomato Pasta Sauce
I roasted about 3 Lbs (1 sheet pan) of roma tomatoes and garlic cloves, they were drizzled with lots of olive oil and salt and pepper.
Roast in the oven for 45 minutes at 425 degrees farehneight.
While the tomatoes roasted I caramelized an onion and sauteed a green pepper to really bring out their flavours.
Once everything was cooked and cooled it all went into the food processor (chunks are not a favorite in this house) then popped into a big pop with a can of tomato paste and tomato sauce (just go no name guys- best bang for your buck especially right now)
For herbs I thew in 1 TBSP of parsley, basil, garlic powder, cilantro and oregano. I also added in some vegan “cheese” since it was in the fridge.
I let this witches brew simmer for about 3 hours and I have to say the results were absolutely fantastic. The taste was sweet yet savory still, it was not too runny nor was it too thick. I know I’ll never be able to make it quite like this again but I will certainly be using this technique going forward.
Final Product: Penne pasta with local lean ground beef and homemade roasted tomato pasta sauce